

Visit of the EU Delegation to Obuda University

On July 1, members of the high-level working group on education and training, an advisory body to the European Commission, ...
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“The History of the 21st Century is Written in Space” – TéT Conference at Obuda University

The state of Hungarian space research and Hungarian innovations were the focus at the Scientific and Technological (TéT) Conference of ...
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Our University Further Strengthened Its Position on the International Higher Education Map

Obuda University was represented at the recent NAFSA (Association of International Educators) Annual Conference in New Orleans. As one of ...
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Renewed Scholarship Program Supports Obuda University’s Outstanding Talents

The University Research Scholarship Program (EKÖP) combines the advantages of previous similar programs – the New National Excellence Program (ÚNKP) ...
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Knowledge Utilization through the EcoAction Project at Obuda University

Across Europe, including in our country, it is a significant issue that the knowledge generated at universities is not efficiently ...
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